Pair of Qing Dynasty Bronze Libation Cups (Jue) with Moulding Cup
Pair of Qing Dynasty Bronze Libation Cups (Jue) with Moulding Cup
Bronze with lacquer and patina
Pair of Libation Cups (Jue):
Height: 18.8 cm each
Width: 17 cm each
Single Moulding Cup:
Height: 13 cm
Width: 10 cm
This distinguished collection features a pair of Qing Dynasty libation cups (Jue) alongside a single moulding cup, all crafted during the 18th-19th century.
The pair of libation cups, each standing 18.8 cm tall with a width of 17 cm, showcases traditional bronze craftsmanship with contrasting finishes: one with dark brown lacquer and the other with a striking black and green shiny patina. The craftsmanship reflects the intricate artistry of the period, though it is noted that one leg of the pair has been repaired and is slightly loose.
The single moulding cup, measuring 13 cm in height and 10 cm in width, complements the set with its refined design and construction.
This set comes from a private collection in Bergisches Land and was acquired locally, adding an extra layer of historical and personal significance to these fine examples of Qing Dynasty metalwork.
Overall, this collection offers a valuable glimpse into the art of bronze craftsmanship during the Qing Dynasty, making it a prized addition for collectors and enthusiasts of historical Chinese artifacts.